Users with an Admin user role are able to manage users through the Manage Account button in the User Management page. Admins have the ability to add, edit, or remove users.

Accessing the User Management Page

  • Select the Profile button in the top right of the screen.

  • Click Manage Account.

  • Navigate to the ‘User Management’ page by selecting this page on the left of the Manage Account screen.

Adding Users

To add a user to INSIDE, start by clicking the Add User button in the top right of the User Management screen.

The Invite User window will appear. Fill out the user information fields and assign the user’s role using the Role drop-down.

  • Click Invite when you are done to send an invitation email to the new user.

  • Click Cancel to exit without saving.

Editing Users

To edit an existing user, click the Pencil icon the right of the user you would like to change.

The edit user window will appear. Here, the name and role of the user may be edited.

  • Click the Update button to save your changes.

  • Click the Cancel button to exit without saving.

Your saved user updates will be confirmed with a pop-up window.

Deleting a User

To delete a user, click the Delete icon to the right of the user you would like to delete.

A confirmation window will prompt you to confirm the deletion.

  • Click ‘Yes’ to confirm and permanently delete the user.

  • Click 'No' to exit back to the User Management page.