If a particular area is frequently accessed, use the Bookmark tool to save the map extent for future reference. 

Create a Bookmark

  • Zoom and pan to the desired map extent.
  • Select the Widget Folder 
    to open the Bookmark tool
  • The Bookmark Tool window will appear. By default, the tool opens in the Private Bookmarks tab. Click the Shared Bookmarks tab to view Shared Bookmarks.
  • Select the Add Bookmark button.

  • You will be prompted to enter a Title for the bookmark.
  • Select if you would like to make a Private Bookmark or a Shared Bookmark. Shared Bookmarks can be viewed by other users, while Private Bookmarks can only be viewed by the bookmark creator.
  • You may pan and zoom the map to the extent you would like to bookmark before clicking Add.

  • The bookmark is added to the Bookmarks window and includes a snapshot thumbnail of the map extent.

  • When there are multiple saved bookmarks, they may be re-ordered in the Bookmark tool window by clicking the ellipses to the left of the bookmark. After clicking, drag it up or down in the order of bookmarks.

Editing a Bookmark

Admins are able to edit their own Private or any user's Shared bookmarks. Observers may only edit their own Private or Shared bookmarks.

  • To edit an existing bookmark, click the Pencil icon to the right of a bookmark to make edits.

  • To rename the bookmark, type in a new title in the Title field.
  • To change the privacy level of the Bookmark, select Private or Shared.
  • If you want to change the map extent of the bookmark, pan or zoom the map as needed.

  • If you updated the map extent, you may update the thumbnail by clicking the ellipses in the thumbnail icon and selecting Refresh Thumbnail.

  • You may load a custom image for the thumbnail by clicking Use Image URL option.

  • Thumbnail images may be removed all together by clicking Remove Thumbnail.
  • Click Save to save the edits.
  • Click Cancel to exit without saving.

Delete a Bookmark

Admins are able to delete their own Private or any user's Shared bookmarks. Observers may only edit their own Private or Shared bookmarks.

  • Click the Pencil icon next to the bookmark you would like to delete.

  • Click Delete in the bottom left of the bookmark.

  • You will be prompted to confirm your deletion. Click Yes to delete or No to cancel. Bookmark deletions are permanent.

Go to a Bookmark

  • Open the Bookmark tool.
  • Click on the bookmark thumbnail to zoom to the saved location.