Map Service Configuration

Users with an Admin user role are able to add hosted web map services to their INSIDE Map through the Map Services page in the Manage Account screen. Hosted map services may be toggled on and off by all users when they are enabled by the Admin in the layer list.

Accessing the Map Services Page

  • Select the Profile button in the top right of the screen.

  • Click 'Manage Account'.

  • Navigate to the ‘Map Services’ page by selecting this page on the left of the Manage Account screen.

  • From the Map Services page, you can add a new map service, edit the settings of an existing map service, or delete an existing map service.

Adding a Map Service

  • Click the blue ‘Add Map Service’ button in the top right of the page.

  • Choose the type of service you are attempting to add.

  • Supported service types are:

    • ArcGIS Server Web Service

    • WMS OCG Web Service

    • KML File

    • GeoRSS File

    • CSV File

  • Enter the URL for the hosted service.

  • Choose the display order that the hosted services will be rendered in the map.

  • Optionally assign a display name.

  • If the hosted service required a username and password to access, you will be prompted for that login information.

  • Check the Enabled box to make the map service accessible to users in the map.

  • Check the Default Visible box to make the map service display by default when the map is opened.

Note: Setting multiple map services to display by default can slow down performance. It is not best practice to set multiple map services to display by default.

  • Click Save to keep your settings. Click Close to exit without saving.

Editing Existing Map Services

To edit an existing map service, click the blue edit icon under the actions column.

From here, the Edit Map Service screen will pop up.

  • Make any desired changes and click Update to save or Close to exit without saving.

Deleting a Map Service

To delete a map service, click the red delete icon under the Action column.

You will be prompted to confirm the deletion.

  • Click yes to delete the map service or no to exit without deleting.

Map Services in the Map

Once a map service has been added by the admin and is enabled, other INSIDE users may view the hosted service in the map.

To view the hosted features, click on the feature symbology and a pop-up will display the feature attributes.

Use the dock button to view the attribute pop-up as a sidebar in the map.

Additionally, map services may be viewed in the Layer List. For more information, please read:

INSIDE Layer List