Use the Observation Tool to communicate map observations with other users in your organization where a potential issue or update occurs at the location of the observation point. 

Observations are floor and building-specific. If you would like an observation to be attributed to a specific floor or building, navigate to the desired floor level and place the Observation point on the building. This will auto-populate Facility and Level Name fields in the Observation Attribute Table with the corresponding Building/Facility and Floor/Level. 

Create Observations

  • Click on Map Tools in the widget toolbar.
  • Then select the Observation Tool from the widget toolbar.

  • Once the Observation Tool pop-up appears, click the Create New button, with the yellow marker.

  • Click on the map to add an observation point at the desired location.

  • The 'Create Observation' form will expand with the following fields:
    • Title: Give the observation point a specific title that identifies the issue, question, or suggestion (i.e., "Pool House Not Addressed").
      • This has a limit of 255 characters.
      • This is a required field.
    • Observer Notes: Add comments to add details about the issue or suggestion.
      • This has a limit of 1000 characters.
    • Email Recipients: Add INSIDE users to share this Observation with.
      • This is a required field.
    • Attachments: Attach any supporting documents or images specific to the Observation.
      • Supported files include: JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF, and PDF
      • Maximum file size: 5 MBs
        • If the file size is over 5MBs, the file resolution will be automatically downscaled to meet the maximum file size.

  • To submit the observation, press the Save button on the form. Click Cancel to exit without saving.
  • Once saved, the recipients and the submitter will receive an email notification that includes the details of the observation point.

Edit Existing Observations

  • Select the Observation Tool from the widget toolbar.

  • Once the Observation Tool pop-up appears, click the Edit Existing button.

  • You will be prompted to select the Observation point that you'd like to edit.
  • After clicking an existing Observation point, the Edit Feature form will appear.

  • As an Admin role:
    • You can edit the Observer Notes of your own observation.
    • You can edit the Status of any observation.
    • You can delete any observation.
  • As an Observer role:
    • You can edit the Observer Notes and the Status of your own observation.
    • You can delete your own observation.
  • The Observation status options are:
    • Open - The observation is open and waiting to be reviewed.
    • Resolved - The observation has been reviewed and has been resolved.
    • Under Review - The observation is currently under review.
      Note: All attachments will be removed once an Observation has been moved to 'Resolved'.

  • Once the desired edits have been made, click Update to save. To exit without saving, click the back arrow at the top left of the pop-up.
  • To delete an observation click the Delete button. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion. Deletion of an observation will permanently remove the feature and all of its attachments.

Observations in the Attribute Table

Observations may be viewed in the Attribute Table. The following fields are available for each Observation: Title, Created Date, Status Changed Date, Status, Created By User, Status Changed By User, Observer Notes, Email To, Facility_ID, Facility_Name, Level_ID, and Level_Name.

Single-click on a feature in the Attribute Table to select the record in the Attribute Table and on the map.