Adding a New CCTV Camera

  • Navigate to the specific building and floor where the new CCTV camera stream is located by using the Browse Tool.

  • Click Map Tools from the Navigation menu.

  • Select CCTV Camera.



  • In the CCTV Camera Tool, click Create New.

  • Click on the map to add the camera to the map.

  • On the Create CCTV Camera pop-up, fill in the fields to add attributes to this CCTV camera.

    • Building Name: un-editable field that is auto-populated based on selection in Browse Tool

    • Level: un-editable field that is auto-populated based on selection in Browse Tool

    • Latitude: un-editable field that is auto-populated based on mouse-click

    • Longitude: un-editable field that is auto-populated based on mouse-click

    • Camera Name*: a unique name to give this camera

    • Rotation: the number of degrees that the camera can rotate

    • Field of View: describes how far the camera’s view captures

    • IP Address: unique address that identifies the network

    • Port: unique number to identify a connection endpoint

    • RTSP URL*: the unique URL for the camera’s stream

    • Camera Type*: describes the camera type (Fixed, Panning, Dome, or Other/Unknown)

    • Camera Status*: describes the status (Active, Inactive)

    • Camera Access*: describes the access type (Public, Private, Other/Unknown)

    • Camera Location*: describes the location (Interior, Exterior)

    • Username: credentials required when the CCTV Camera requires authentication before use.

    • Password: credentials required when the CCTV Camera requires authentication before use
      indicate required fields

  • Click Save at the bottom of the CCTV Caerma Tool pop-up to save your new camera. Click Cancel to remove your changes and close the CCTV Camera Tool.


Accessing the CCTV Configuration Page

  • Select the Profile button in the top right of the screen.

  • Click 'Manage Account'.



  • Navigate to the ‘CCTV Configuration’ page by selecting this page on the left of the Manage Account screen.

  • Here, Admins may view the Table Attributes for each CCTV camera.

Editing CCTV Attributes

Admins can update editable fields on the CCTV Configuration page. 

  • Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the page to scroll right and view the Actions column.



  • Click the Edit icon to open the Update CCTV Details window.

  • In this window, the following fields may be edited:

    • Rotation

    • Field of View

    • IP Address

    • Port

    • URL

    • Camera Name

    • Camera Type

    • Camera Status

    • Camera Access

    • Camera Location

    • User Name*

    • Password*

*The User Name and Password fields are necessary to input for any secured cameras. Otherwise, the CCTV Camera will not be viewable by users on the map.

The Facility Name, Level Name, Latitude, and Longitude will be automatically calculated during CCTV Camera creation.

  • After you have made your edits, click Update to save the changes or Close to exit without saving.



Deleting CCTV Cameras

CCTV cameras can be deleted by Admins when they are no longer in use. To delete a CCTV camera:

  • Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the page to scroll right and view the Actions column.

  • Click the Trashcan icon to open the Delete Confirmation window.

  • Click Yes to complete the deletion or No to cancel.