CCTV cameras can be configured in the INSIDE map to view real-time camera streams. Any user can access the CCTV cameras through the map. However, Admins are the only user role who can add new CCTV cameras, update existing cameras' attributes, or delete existing cameras through the Profile > Manage Account > CCTV Configuration page. 

If you are looking for more information and steps on how to add new, or edit and delete existing CCTV Cameras, please refer to the INSIDE Admin > INSIDE CCTV Configuration (Premium) page. Admins are the only users that have permissions to add, edit, and delete CCTV Cameras. 

Viewing CCTV footage

1. Click on the CCTV camera icon within the map to open the CCTV stream.


2. The CCTV pop-up will appear in the bottom right of the map screen.

3. Click the X icon in the pop-up to close the footage window.